Message from the President

You may be receiving your first Mercer degree this spring. Or, perhaps your accomplishment represents your second or even third degree from the University. Whichever it may be, you share a common bond with all of the graduates today of having made real what was once an aspiration. As a graduate, you are entitled to feel a strong sense of fulfillment as you reflect on your hard work and personal commitment.
With each passing year, you will find that memories of your Mercer experiences will grow to mean more to you. As you reflect on the friendships, the learning experiences, the joys and the frustrations of the time you have spent at Mercer, you increasingly will come to realize that the University is a part of your life forever.
Commencement is a rewarding time for the faculty and staff as students move beyond the University to continue along their life’s path. The measure of a university is not the accolades accumulated from popular college guides and national rankings. The true measure is the transformation our students experience that prepares them to be intelligent, thoughtful and compassionate leaders who are committed to making a positive difference in their community and the world. We encourage you to stay in touch with the University in the years ahead.
We are grateful that you chose to pursue your educational goals here and that you always will be a part of Mercer University.
William D. Underwood