School of Law

Friday, May 9, 2025  • 10 a.m. • Hawkins Arena, University Center

Law Commencement

Law commencement is Friday, May 9, 2025 at 10 a.m. at Hawkins Arena. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for guests. Seats are first come, first served. The ceremony will be live-streamed.

Information for Graduates

Graduation Rehearsal

Rehearsal will be held Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 11 a.m. in the Intramural Courts at the University Center. Graduates should arrive by 10:45 a.m. as rehearsal will start promptly at 11 a.m. Prepare for it to last at least an hour. This is not a dress rehearsal, so you do not need to bring your regalia. If you have family hooders, we ask that they be at rehearsal too, if possible.


Graduates should arrive at the University Center and check in at the intramural courts no later than 9 a.m. It is recommended that graduates leave personal belongings with relatives or friends attending the ceremony as the Intramural Courts will not be secured during the ceremony. Graduates with family hooders should arrive by 8:30 a.m.

Recommended Attire

Graduates are required to wear university-sanctioned regalia. Students are permitted to wear cords to signify Latin honors (i.e., cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude) and military services. These cords will be distributed by the Registrar’s Office prior to commencement. No other stoles, medallions, or cords may be worn during the commencement ceremony. Students who wish to purchase these items may wear them for personal photographs after the commencement ceremony. Men should wear dark slacks, dark shoes, and a shirt with a white collar. Women should wear comfortable dark dress shoes with a dress or skirt that does not show below the gown, or dark slacks and a blouse.

Guest Information

Mercer requests all participants and guests to respect the importance of this occasion and to treat it with the proper decorum. All cell phones should be turned off or on vibrate during the ceremony.

Directions to Macon Campus

  • From I-75 North (from Florida): Take I-75 North to Exit #163 (Mercer University Drive). Take a right at the top of the exit ramp onto Mercer University Drive. There are two entrances to campus. Turn left at the first traffic light onto Stadium Drive or left at the second traffic light onto College Street (Mobility Impaired Parking is accessed from both entrances).
  • From I-75 South (from Atlanta): Take I-75 South to Exit #163 (Mercer University Drive). Take a left at the top of the exit ramp onto Mercer University Drive and cross over I-75. There are two entrances to campus. Turn left at the first traffic light onto Stadium Drive or left at the second traffic light onto College Street (Mobility Impaired Parking is accessed from both entrances).


Parking is available throughout the campus with shuttles to bring guests to the venue. Parking for accessibility will be available in both parking lots beside Drake Field House and the College St. lot across from the Peddy Tennis Courts. The access to these areas will be permitted with a handicap hangtag or plate. First come, first served. Once the designated ADA lots are full, additional parking is provided in the general area with shuttles to bring guests to the venue.

Any questions related to the event can be directed to LaShunda Walker at (478) 301-2620.